What is ketogenic diet or keto diet?
First of all we have to know about that what is a ketogenic diet or keto diet is? so ketogenic diet is a type of diet where a person will take high amount of fat and low amount of carbohydrate. It has different types of health benefits. It burns body fat more effectively. As during this process our body releases extra amount of fat from it as energy.
Image by healthguru from pixabay |
Why named 'keto'?
During this ketogenic process our body produces small fuel molecules called 'ketones'.
When we intake a less amount of carbohydrate or calories, our body produces 'ketones' from liver. By which fuel our body works. Means lots of required at first for brain then other parts. Our brain is a hunger box, lol.
During this process our body burns fat 24/7 to produce ketones and ketones are the fuel for our body that time.
Types of ketogenic diet:-
There is different types of ketogenic diet or keto diet. Some of these are
1. High protein keto diet
2. Targeted keto diet
3. Standard keto diet
4. Cyclical keto diet
1. High protein keto diet:-
In this type of ketogenic diet the carbohydrate % is very low where as the fat % is very high. And the amount of protein will be moderately higher than standard ketogenic diet. It should be 5:60:35 % respectively.
2. Targeted keto diet:
If you are doing workouts then this types of diet allows you to have carbohydrates around your workouts.
3. Standard keto diet:-
In this type of ketogenic diet the carbohydrate % is very low and the fat % is very high but the protein % is somewhat less than high protein keto diet. It should be 5:75:20 % respectively.
4. Cyclic keto diet:-
In this type of ketogenic diet it allows use of carbohydrate. During a week time 5 days should by followed by ketogenic diet and other two days should be high carbohydrate day.
There is many other types of ketogenic diet available but mostly standard ketogenic diet is recommended as it has a good researched value.
Ketogenic diet is best for fast weight loss. And it is also recommended by many doctors too.
This ketogenic diet has also some significant health benefits for type two diabetic persons.
Keto diet is easy for the non-vegetarians. As most of the animal based foods are very low in carbohydrate and high in protein and fat.
But for the vegetarians this ketogenic diet will be challenging as every plant based food contains high carbohydrate. Protein sources has also carbohydrates.
So if you want a proper custom diet then check this out. Click here
7 benefits of keto diet
Like other diets as with weight loss it not only has a little amount of benefits , it has some several benefits too.
1# Weight loss:
The primary role of this diet is to lose fat. It happens because the during this diet the body looks into its reserved fat and does body metabolism.
2# It takes the edge of your appetite:
When there is low carbohydrates in your diet the you will not crave like other days. as it has seen that when a person goes under this ketogenic diet then he/she can do fasting as taking only a meal per day.
3# Improves ability to focus:
During normal days you just take carbohydrates. so your blood sugar level will go up and down. For this unstable blood sugar level our brain could not focus as much as it can. So during this diet period you can feel the focus power of your brain as during this period your body has a stable blood sugar level.
4# You feel more energetics:
During normal days our body repeatedly need food to provide energy to every part of the body. But during this diet time our body provides energy by processing reserved fats. And fat is nearly a unending energy source. So we feel energetics all day long.
5# It helps you fight diabetes:
When you
suffer from Type 2 diabetes, your body insulin level goes high.
Since the keto diet takes excess sugar from your diet, it helps stabilize HbA1c
counts, So it reverse Type 2 diabetes.
6# Improve good cholesterol level:
cholesterols helps to get rid of the body's bad cholesterol reserves. When you are
on keto diet, your body's triglyceride levels gets down and your HDL cholesterol levels
7# You will get a good blood pressure:
When you are on ketogenic diet your blood sugar level gets down. Many people found it positive, as the get rid of blood sugar maintain medications.
I got a GIFT for you. As I used this custom keto diet I know you will also get a surprising result from this.
CLICL HERE to know more
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