Boys also have to take skin care very important, do not make such mistakes
Wouldn't it be tempting to look like 40 at the age of 18?
If there is no youth on the face, people's reactions can be disturbed.
If you do not want to do this, then do not be careless about skin care.
Our face is the one who says a lot without saying. In such a situation, ignoring it is injustice.
Many of my friends also tend to be negligent in skin care and appear older at a young age which affects their confidence.
Do you also repeat these mistakes somewhere?
We boys should also take care of face and skin. This is very important not only for good looks but also for our health. Not taking skin care can cause many diseases.
By the way, when the boys take care of the face, one gets to hear the comment that, 'Girl is there man, what is so beautiful ...?' But don't be disappointed with all these things. Taking care of your skin is a good habit.
The World Health Organization (WHO) health report shows how men suffer from skin diseases. Skin is also being affected due to environment and pollution.
The saying goes - "When you wake up, then morning". Still nothing is wrong. Start taking care of skin from today. I will tell you how you can get your youthful complexion and glow by correcting these following mistakes related to skin.
1. Ignoring Sunscreen
Girls are usually alert to avoid the sun's dangerous UV rays (ultra violet radiation), but not boys. WHO believes that having constant exposure to the sun's UV rays increases the risk of diseases like skin cancer and psoriasis! So we should use sunscreen.
Generally people also think that using sunscreen only in summer is enough, whereas in reality it is not. According to the report of The Skin Cancer Foundation - Sunscreen flies off the face quickly due to strong winds during the winter season. Because of this, just applying sunscreen in the morning in winter is not enough. Rather, apply sunscreen twice a day during winter.
2. Not keeping the face moisturized
Lack of moisture in the skin makes the face dry. The boys do not keep their faces moisturized enough. For this, it is important that you massage your face with a moisturizer. Facial massage removes fine particles of dust hidden in the face and the skin gets enough oxygen and cells are also active.
Skin is also exercised by massaging periodically. Due to this, the dirt coming out of the body along with sweat is easily removed. And there is also no risk of boils and pimples on the face. Therefore, after washing face wash twice a day, apply moisturizer and massage the face.
3. Use any cream without knowing your skin type
Often boys use any cream on the face while we should choose the cream according to our skin type. Cream should not be used by advertising or viewing friends.
In general
Use non-oily face products for oily skin.
For dry skin, use products that give moisture and nutrition to your skin.
And for normal skin (medium skin) use such face products that keep the pH level of your face normal.
But before using the cream, be sure to consult an expert or expert as the skin is the most delicate part of the body.
4. Not shaving properly
Along with cream, we boys also have to keep many things in mind for shaving. Such as older blades, razors should not be used. Shaving should be done with shaving cream or foam.
Do not forget to use another's razor. This can cause you to face severe skin problems.
Shaving is the right procedure, shaving accordingly.
5. Not paying attention to body hair
Along with shaving, there is no awareness in the general public about body hair. They want body hair to be removed but they do not follow the right approach for it. Due to this reason, they have to struggle with skin problems.
Incorrect use of razor can cause injury to the skin, causing irritation and itching. To avoid this, it is better to go to a good salon and wax the right way, which will also reduce the pain.
If waxing is not in your budget or you do not want to remove your hair completely, then you can use a good hair trimmer. This will increase your hygiene better and will not cause any pain during waxing.
May have now understood that skin care is not just about grooming or showing off. Breaking this kind of common belief, we need skin care to keep ourselves healthy. That is why even in the waning age we will be able to shine like a youngster. I hope that you will not be so careless with your skin now.
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