Leptitox Reviews : Warning! Visible weight loss [Latest Update]

 Leptitox Dietary Supplement Review Today I will be sharing my Leptitox review with you and let you in on what the program is about. How it works, the pros and cons and help you make a decision if you should purchase it or not. In this world Millions of people suffer from obesity. Come challenge the healthy well or not, everyone wants to loose weight without the need for medication or painful surgery.  Both men and women are over weight in a short time and the weight loss industry around the world is benefiting from this advantage and generating a lot of revenue. People do everything to burn body fat, from dieting to hard work in the gym. There are many people who work hard in the gym and lose fat fast. But still not seeing results and that make them disappointed and depressed.   Why is thing jumped? What happened to What they are doing? Therefore, everyone has found Leptitox to lose weight naturally.  Before we move into the Leptitox review, if you want to grab Leptitox supplement at

5 ways by which you can boost your immunity

How to boost your immune system through diet and lifestyle changes. 

Hello & welcome,
Today we will look at the top 5 ways by which you can boost your immunity.
In the hurried base of modern life you might take your immune system for granted. Working quietly in the background, our immune system protects us from bacteria, viruses and other microbes to defend us against diseases. It's a complex network of organs, cells and various proteins in our body that act in a Co-ordinated manner to defend our body from various types of pathogens.
During the flu or viral season many of your friends might get sick but some who stands all even when everyone in their family is sick with the flu. Have you ever wondered how some people get sick very often and some are very prone to catch the viral infection. Well it's all about the body’s immune system.
The immune system is the 1st line of defence of our body again the alien micro-organisms entering the body. The stronger your immune system, the lesser is your chances to falling ill.
With the little changes that we will describe below you can ensure that your immune system will be strong enough to protect you against various types of infections.


Your gastro intestinal tract makes up a large part of your immune system. Upto 70% of your immune cells live along this path. The lining of your intestine for example secrets antibody, and contains cells that recognise and destroy harmful bacteria. Since your gut receives a lot of micro-organisms with the food we eat. The wall of gut provides a barrier immunity which prevents the micro-organisms even enter our body. A part from providing immunity our gut is home for more than 1000 species of bacreria(good bacteria) that normally live there. The gut microbiome that recides in the gastro intestinal tract provides essential health benifits particularly by regulating our immune system. Moreover it has been recently become obvious that alterations of these gut microbial community can cause immune disregulation leading to auto-immune disorders.
And here are some proven way by which you can improve your gut health and boost your immunity as well.


Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for you, specially for your digestive system. Probiotics are often called as good bacteria or helpful bacteria, because they help to keep your gut healthy. They do so the balancing of pathogenic bacteria in your gut. This helps your gut maintain a healthy community of micro-organisms that boosts your body's immunity. Many types of bacteria are classified as probiotics that all have different benifits.
Types of Probiotics,
                              (i) Lactobacillus
                              (ii) Bifidobacterium

(i) Lactobacillus:

* Lactobacillus may be the most common probiotic.
* It's the one you will found in yogurt and other formented foods.
* Different ranges can help with diarrhea and help many people who can't digest lactose (sugar in milk).

(ii) Bifidobacterium:

* Bifidobacterium is found in some dairy products.
* It is found in large numbers in foods like yogurts, olives, sauerkraut, salami and cheese.
* It may help in irritable bowel syndrome and some other conditions.


A study published in the national journal of WHO looked at the impact of Western diet and lifestyle on people's immune function. It found that the large number of calories processed in the fast food may lead to health problems such as increase inflammation, reduce control of infection, increased rates of cancer, increased rates of allergic and auto-immune diseases. And we are not only harming ourselves, the study author point to research that poor dietary choices get encoded into both DNA and our gut microbiome, meaning that our food and lifestyle choices can permanently change the balance of bacteria in our body and we can weaken the immune system. It also means those changes can be pass to our offsprings. So cut down the fast foods and heavily processed foods in your diet.


Vitamins are essential to life. These organic compounds usually required as the part of balanced diet are required for biological and metabolic processes. Vitamins are also essential for the proper functioning of our immune system. Immune cells are the most rapidly dividing cells of our body and they need large numbers of vitamins to reproduce and function properly.


Vitamin-D is probably the most important vitamin related to your immune health. People who get chronic infection has low level of this vitamin. I recommend 2000-5000 IU of vitamin-D per day. Get plenty of sunshine and get food rich in vitamin-D. You can ask your doctor to check the exact amount of vitamin that you need.


The biological active form of dietric vitamin-A (retinoic acid) can have profound effects on the immune system. Retinoic acid is being tested as a potential therapeutic for treatment of certain auto-immune diseases like arthritis, soreasis, etc. Foods rich in vitamin-A includes eggs, milk and green vegetables.


Vitamin-E is known for its antioxidant ability, has also been shown to have anti-inflametry property in our immune system.
Now you can get all of these vitamins in large quantities by getting one multivitamin pill per day. But it's obvious better to get from natural sources.


Physical activities stimulates the immune system and strengthens the infection defence. Exercise has anti-inflametry effects which means that moderate amount of exercise enhances immune function above sydentry levels. Physical activities also associated with reduced resting C-creative protein levels. Which is a protein whose level indicates the level of inflammation and stress in your body. Exercise helps to circulate blood and improve the blood flow of lymphatic fluid. Lymphatic fluid travels through your cells and tissues and removes bacteria, toxins & waste products, even cancer cells. Do some types of Cardio exercise 5 days a week. At least 30-40 minutes per day. However continuous workout even weaken the immune system. Leaving you prone flu and viral infection.


Chronic stress suppresses the immune response of the body by releasing the hormone Cortisol. Cortisol interferes with the T-cells, a specific type of white blood cell to reproduce and receive signal from the body. Cortisol also reduces the antibody secratio of IGA which lying the gut and respiratory tract. And is our 1sr line of defense against pathogen. Stress can also have an indirect effect on immune system. As a person may use unhealthy behaviour of reduce their stress such as drinking and smoking. The best way of reducing stress is to meditate 15-20 minutes per day and 3-4 times per week. It sets your mind in a right direction. It reduces your cortisol levels and research even shows it helps to prevent breakdown of your chromosomes, that may lead to cancer & premature aging.


When it comes to your immunity sleep plays a very important role. While sleeping for 10 hours a day won't prevent you from getting sick, skipping on it could adversely affect the immune system. Leaving you succeptible for viral and bacterial infections like flu and sore throat. Without sufficient sleep your body makes cytokines ( A type of protein that targets infection and inflammation for an effective immune response). Cytokines are release in much smaller quantities when you are sleep adequately. Infection fighting cells and antibodies are reduces at that period when you don't get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can adversely affect your immune system. Your body needs sleep to prevent infectious diseases. Long time lack of sleep can cause obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

How much sleep do you need to boost your immune system?

The optimal amount of sleep for most adults is 7-8 hours a good sleep at night.
Teen agers 9-10 hours of sleep.
And school going children needs 10 or more hours of sleep.

So create an effective sleep hygiene.

Even the healthiest people get sick every now and then. But by find something aspects of your health routine such as diet and stress management, you can help strength in your immune system defense against bacteria, toxic chemicals and viruses that cause conditions like common cold and flu. 


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