Keto diet|Fastest weight loss diet
Hello friends,
Welcome to Bodybuilding guru.
To day in this part I am going to teach you about keto diet or ketogenic diet or ketosis. This keto diet is on trending diet but most of the people doesn't know what is a keto diet? How keto diet works?
So get ready.
Friends if you want to know you about keto diet then you have to know you about your normal diet. Normally when we are taking carbohydrates or any extra protein then our liver makes these to glucose. Which helps in the formation of ATP or required for daily activity and body maintenance.
Normally carbs are the day to day primary energy sources. But when the amount of glucose is high then it converted into glycogen which is stored in liver and muscles through glycogenesis. But when the glycogen % is high on the body then it forms into fat in the process of lipogenesis. Which is stores in our body for which we looks fat.

Then if we are talk about keto diet, it's totally opposite of the general diet. In this diet carbs about 5%, protein is about 20 - 25%, and fat is about 70-80% is present. In this diet glucose level will decrease due to presence of small amaount of carbs and protein. In this situation brain goes to ketosis mode for survival. And in this situation liver breaks down the consumed or stored fat to form glycerol and fattv acid. Which the liver uses again and forms keytone bodies and which are used as new energy fuel for muscle and brain in the absence of glucose. The brain and body actually prefer using keytones and run 70% more efficiently than when using glucose. In this ketogenesis process some enzymes are also produced which helps in the formation of glycogen. But during this diet keto flu will be seen some symptoms are given below
* Carbs and sugar craving
* Headache
* Nausea
* Stomach upset
* Fatigue
* Difficulty focusing
* Difficulty getting sleep
How long does it last?
> Generally it lasts about 1 week.
> Initial 2-3 days might go with discomfort.
Drink plenty of water.
Watch your electrolytes. ( sodium, potassium, magnesium)
Absolutely add a multivitamin to your diet.
Keto diet is the fastest weight loss diet. And it's the best diet ever. It is recommended to do minimum 1month and maximum 3moths.
So friends that's all about keto diet and if you are interested to know much about health tips the do follow and comment below to know me how it worked on you. Thanks for reading friends. Do follow.
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