How to stop hair loss and receding hair line.
Hello friends,
Today's topic is very helpful for you. Today I'm going to solve your hair problems like receding and hair fall. Hair fall and receding hair line is totally different from each other. Hair fall problem is very easy to solve but the receding hair line is very difficult. But in our today topic I will explain how to solve these problems easily.
Receding hair line:
At first I will explain you about receding hair line. Half of the total men have a receding hair line problem. It's mainly cause by 3 problems that are
Problem - 1(Heridity) :
Mainly means about 90% of men has these problem due to Heridity. It comes from your parents.
Problem-2(Using wrong hair products) :
It is also a most common problem for hair. Generally people's who didn't know about anything about hair problems. So the do many brand things to their hair. So they face problem on their hair.
Problem-3(proper nutrition) :
It is also a thing to notice. People are facing hair problems due to lack of proper nutrition.

Among these problems the easiest method to solve is to get a proper nutrition and second is to change your lifestyle. And the very hard to solve method is your genetic. It cannot be changed. But if you are taking a proper nutritional diet and a proper hair care routine then you can solve all these problems easily.
* If you are using any hair products like hair wax or hair gel then do not apply them to your hair root. Apply these on your hair not at root. Apply oil to root not these hair products.
*Do not touch your hair again and again. We cannot stop to our hair to to touch again and again but you have to stop touching your hair much time.
* Don't rub your hair so much with towel. Just simply and gently do this.
*Do not use hair drier. If you are using then use heat protector before using. Otherwise the heat can damage your hair very much.
* Use a proper hair care product. At my suggestion you will get benefit by using natural hair care products. And apple cider vinegar shampoo is very good for your hair.
Avoid these problems if you have hair fall. Then do massage to your hair twice a week for best benefit or result. In my suggestion go naturally go fit live more. So friends If you are benefited by this article then please leave a comment and share to your friend who actually need these tips.
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