
Showing posts from March, 2018

Leptitox Reviews : Warning! Visible weight loss [Latest Update]

 Leptitox Dietary Supplement Review Today I will be sharing my Leptitox review with you and let you in on what the program is about. How it works, the pros and cons and help you make a decision if you should purchase it or not. In this world Millions of people suffer from obesity. Come challenge the healthy well or not, everyone wants to loose weight without the need for medication or painful surgery.  Both men and women are over weight in a short time and the weight loss industry around the world is benefiting from this advantage and generating a lot of revenue. People do everything to burn body fat, from dieting to hard work in the gym. There are many people who work hard in the gym and lose fat fast. But still not seeing results and that make them disappointed and depressed.   Why is thing jumped? What happened to What they are doing? Therefore, everyone has found Leptitox to lose weight naturally.  Before we move into the Leptitox review, if you want to grab Leptitox supplement at

Top 5 benefits of black pepper

Black pepper  ( Piper nigrum ) is a floweringvine in  the family piperaceae  , cultivated for its fruit which  is usually dried and used as a spices  and seasoning  , known as a peppercorn.  Black pepper is native to south India  and is extensively cultivated there and elsewhere in tropical  regions. Currently, Vietnam  is the world's largest producer and exporter of pepper, producing 34% of the world's  Piper nigrum  crop as of 2013. TOP 5 BENEFITS OF BLACK PEPPER: #1 Antibiotic properties:       Black pepper has natural antibiotics characteristics owing to its vitamin c content. They curb harmful free radical reactions. This is one of the prime uses of black pepper. #2 Gastro Diseases:       Black pepper eases the digestion process by secreting Hydrochloric acid as an alert before food consumption and hence,helps in prevention of diseases related to the intestine and stomach. #3 Bacterial Infection:       Black pepper helps in treating diseases caused
TOP 5 BENEFITS OF BEETROOT: The  beetroot  is the taproot  portion of the beet plant, usually  known in North America as the  beet , also  table beet ,  garden beet ,  red beet , or  golden beet .  Beetroot was first cultivated by the Romans It is low in calories and almost fat free Betanin, which gives beetroot its colour, is a potent antioxidant Beetroot, or table beets are from the same family as sugar beets, but they are genetically and nutritionally different. Sugar beets are white in color and commonly used for extracting sugar and sweetening manufactured foods. Sugar cannot be obtained from beets, which are mostly red or gold in color. #1 Reliefs skin problems:     Drinking beetroot juice regularly may be beneficial in the prevention and cure of inflammation including skin inflammation like acne. The juice also helps eliminate blemishes and promotes healthy skin and hair growth. #2 Prevents birth defects:       100 grams of beetroot provides 27% of t

About herbal colour

                             ABOUT HERBAL COLOUR It has become the buzzword over the past couple of years and the "herbal" tag is prominently displayed on most packets of Holi colours being sold across the city. But the only difference between the so called eco-friendly variety and ordinary gulaal seems to be in their smell. "Herbal gulaal is perfumed. That is the only difference we are aware of" is what the wholesalers at Sadar Bazaar told TOI. With Holi round the corner, the markets are a profusion of colour, dotted with piles and piles of red, yellow and green. But few buyers are aware that the colours, which manufacturers claim are 100% natural and environment-friendly, can cause serious skin problems. What is being marketed as herbal gulaal is only a mixture of araroot, cement and mud in varying proportions. Bittu, a trader in Khari Baoli , says, "We normally buy packets of gulaal from Sadar Bazaar and have no idea what goes into m